Agency: Vampire
Direction: Martes
Post/VFX: Martes & Mr Flowers
Art Direction: Roger Amat, Joan Molins
Concept Artist: Pipe Camara
Edit: Martes
CG lead: Pipe Camara
Unreal Lead: Marc Vila
CG Artist: Marc Vila, Pipe Camara, Joan Molins, Javier Verdugo, Alex Alsina, Sebastian Espinoza
Nuke Lead: Pipe Camara
Nuke composer: La Remedios & Pipe Camara
Music & Sound Design: PamPam studio


We have worked to integrate the innovation of the car and integrate it with the entire creation process. It is the materialization of the first car created entirely in CUPRA's virtual space, for a future generation of drivers.
Audiovisual piece together with demonstration of small processes, physics testing, animations and some wireframes.